Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Automated Forex Signals Software - Generating Forex Signals - Finance

The forex market is a billion dollar industry. It is estimated that more than $2 billion being circulated every day in this market and the numbers keep growing every day.

So you can imagine how much profit potential you could possibly make from currency trading. To aid traders in executing trades and stop losses, there are a number of automated forex signals software on the market.

1. The Old Way Traders

Back 15 years ago, there were so many problems for those who want to trade forex. Some of the problems are:

We had to trade using our own discretionary. If you were just regular moms and pops, this can be a huge disadvantage for you. Because you can spend years to learn everything about forex trading and on top of that, information on the latest currency pairs were not readily available except to top trading firms.

As an alternative solution, ordinary moms and pops tried to hire professional financial advisor to do the trade for them. This can cost thousands of dollars.

However, in spite of the excessive sum of fee you have to incur, there was no guarantee that this professional will bring winning trades.

I remember back then, the statistic was so awful. Only 20% winning trades estimated from all trades that had been done by professional financial advisors.

2. Delayed Data

Assuming you knew how to trade forex, there was still another problem such as delayed data. That can be huge disadvantage since 15 minutes delay in forex trading can cost you a $10,000 loss or more.

3. Breakthrough Solution

Fortunately, today with the advancement of technology, we don't need to experience those days any more.

Using revolutionary software such as automated forex signal software, not only you can get real time data but the software can also do the trade for you automatically.

Whats even more surprising is the fact that the percentage of winning trades for these type of software can reach as high as 75%.

Meaning from 10 trades, 7 of them will be a winning trade. And if one winning trade gives you $1000, 7 of them will give you $7,000.

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