It's incredibly easy to set up a business blog. Once you have created a blog, you'll see it has a lot of advantages when used properly. You can drive traffic to your website, more sales opportunities, increased confidence of their customers or target audience online and enhance the reputation of your business, while with the help of corporate blogs.
If you are unsure on how to set up a company blog, here are six simple steps for creating a blog and adding the correct information to gain new readers and keep them coming back for more.
1. First you must choose a blog service. Word press and Blogger seems to be one of the most popular blogging services, but there are a lot of there, free to choose. With Word Press, you can be free or paid blog. When you get paid to blog, and more services for the URL does not contain "word" attached. SEO purposes it is better to host your blog, leaving the main site, or blog in its original domain get the benefits of SEO that will assist your business. This means, however, some shoveling money from your blog, and if you are not ready for this, you can always upgrade later paid the blog on the road.
2. Set up your blog. Once you choose a service, the settings of your blog is easy. Make sure you have a title, description and corresponding photos. Use keywords in the title and description to increase the SEO. There is no need to put your company logo on your blog. Some blog sites have completely independent of their websites, but the use of advertising space on the blog to offer only products. Depends on you if you want to make clear that your company has on the blog or if you want to win loyal readers on the basis of information then try to attract catchy ads and links from time to time to your website source.
3. Consider your audience. It is very important to know who your ideal target audience is and what information they want to see. Set the foundation of your business blog from the beginning, so it works organized and not go off the rails on the road. You want your blog is very informative without any mention of your products? Or do you want to introduce some products on your blog combined with information, breaking news and other tips and trends dealing with the industry? It is normal to have a mix of product characteristics with the latest news, as long as you do not just use your blogs for advertising. Your audience does not come to your blog to learn more about your products. They want information that will help them, educate them and their interests. They want the latest news, tips, advice, information about events and similar campaigns with occasionally a product, function or launch.
4. Find your voice. This goes hand in hand to create your own target audience. When you find your audience you need to understand what the sound that the audience appreciates. If audience members are in their teens talk to them in a different tone if the members of the public are the elderly. No matter who your audience is, make sure that I speak to them more personal, relaxed tone as the sensation of interacting with people, not the company.
5th Brainstorm keywords related to your business. Focus on long tail keyword phrases (words 3-4) seeks to target your audience more effectively. It is better to opt for certain keywords a little more obscure
that are highly relevant to your business, so that your blog has a better chance to appear in search results. Make a list, try typing in Google Wonder Wheel for more ideas.
6. There are a number of writers who have contributed. Blog posts are more interesting when they come from different perspectives. Although it is mostly just write your business blog, try to get a guest writer, a couple of times a month to make things. There is only one or a few people to contribute to the blog, make sure that the feature section "About us", so that people can put the faces of the message. This experience more personal for each blog to visit and help promote trust and loyalty to the company.