Tuesday, March 6, 2012

EarnForex Newsletter - March 2012 (earnforex: message 7 of 20)

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EarnForex.com Monthly Newsletter

*March 6th, 2012*

Welcome to the latest issue of EarnForex.com newsletter — March

In this issue of EarnForex.com newsletter I will remind you about the
most important Forex-related events of the last month and will also
show you the list of the site's latest updates.

Overview of the major currency pairs' performance in February*

*EUR/USD* — was mainly in a slow uptrend in February. It was at the
maximum at 1.3486 on February 24, at its minimum at 1.2974 on February
16, finishing the month at 1.3323.

*GBP/USD* — moved sideways and up last month. The highest monthly
rate was at 1.5991 on February 29, while the lowest — at 1.5443 on
February 14. GBP/USD finished February trading at 1.5920.

*USD/JPY* — rallied rapidly. The pair rose to as high as 81.58 on
February 27, reaching a bottom at 76.02 on February 1 and closing the
month with the 81.28 rate.

*EUR/JPY* — like all the yen pairs was in a very strong uptrend.
The monthly high was at 109.83 on February 27, the monthly low — at
99.24 on February 1. Trading ended at 108.30 for this currency pair.

*GBP/JPY* — looked almost the same as the USD/JPY chart. The
maximum level for this pair was at 129.65 on February 27, while the
minimum — at 119.58 on February 1. The month's trading ended at
129.62 for GBP/JPY.

Fundamental background of the past month*

United States continue to demonstrate a rather fast growth, while the
regarding hard landing of the Chinese economy grow. Meanwhile
reports from the leading European countries and other developed
countries of the
world come out generally better than expected.
A new series of credit rating downgrades

European countries.
Bank of Japan

the inflation target to 1 percent, adding pressure on the Japanese
Greece enters the state of
selective default

according to S&P, despite accepting austerity measures.
Oil market surged on Iran export bans, while the price of gold was
unevenly in February.

Interest rate changes in February*


Old Rate


New Rate

























Top 5 Forex brokers of the last month*

The top 5 Forex brokers, as rated by the visitors of EarnForex.com
are the following:

— 7.9
CitiFX Pro
— 7.5
Interactive Brokers
— 7.5
GCI Financial
— 7.4
— 6.9

To qualify for the position in this top 5 rating a Forex broker
should have at least 5 votes. Don't forget to rate your favorite
broker <http://www.earnforex.com/forex-brokers/>
if you haven't done so already.

Forex e-books*

One new Forex book has been published on EarnForex.com since
the last issue of the newsletter:

3D Trading
by Ruben Topaz

You can always browse the previously
uploaded books

Forex articles*

No new Forex articles have been published on EarnForex.com since
the last issue of the newsletter, but you can always browse the
uploaded articles

Forex brokers*

No new Forex brokers have been added to EarnForex.com since the
last issue of the newsletter, but you can always view our full
list of Forex brokers

Forex VPS providers*

One new Forex VPS provider has been added to EarnForex.com
since the last issue of the newsletter:

— USA VPS servers specializing in Forex trading; cheapest plan is

You can always browse the previously
added VPS companies

MetaTrader indicators*

No new MetaTrader indicator has been added to EarnForex.com
since the last issue of the newsletter, but you can always view the
Forex indicators

MetaTrader expert advisors*

No new expert advisors have been added to EarnForex.com since
the last newsletter issue, but you can always browse the previously
MetaTrader EAs

Forex polls*

Two new polls have been posted in the EarnForex blog

What will happen to the eurozone?

Do you use Elliott Wave theory in Forex trading?

You can also browse the full list of
Forex polls

Forex strategies*

No new Forex strategies have been added to EarnForex.com since
the last issue of the newsletter, but you can also browse the
previously added
Forex strategies


Top 5 hot topics on EarnForex Forum
started in January:

If the broker gives high bonuses, its a bad broker?

Is Forex a zero sum game?

Want to Try Binary Options!

The guide book for Forex investors

Do You Use The Elliott Wave To Trade?

Forex industry news*

There were the following important Forex industry news since the
last issue of the newsletter:

Forex brokers

start offering official iPhone and Android versions of MetaTrader,
previous unofficial mobile trading apps.
integrates its MetaTrader 5 with
CitiFX <http://www.metaquotes.net/>
MetaTrader 5 is now used <http://www.mql5.com/en/forum/6297>

in the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange <http://www.dgcx.ae/>

Until the next newsletter issue!*

That's all for the March issue of the EarnForex.com
newsletter. If you have questions, comments or just want to see
something else
in the next monthly issue, please contact me

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