Tuesday, November 1, 2011

220% Annual Return - Follow us for Free (trusted: contact@actionforex.com)

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Would you like to see how we achieved 220% return last year trading FX?
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Managed Accounts 

We have just 50 managed accounts left open before we close our book. You simply open an account with our preferred broker IBFX then fund your account with US$10,000 (minimum) and our network of professional traders will automatically trade your account for you. For more information  click here 
Past performance is shown for indicative purposes only and no guarantee is given that these results can be achieved again.

10% Cash Bonus 

For a limited time our broker IBFX is offering a special 10% cash deposit bonus to all FxTrader101 clients. What this means is that if you open an account using the following link Open Account with IBFX they will match your opening cash deposit by 10%. You must use this link, so keep this email safe!  Certain conditions apply. 
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